Reader Responses

Some people have contacted me by email, sent a text, or messaged me on Facebook to tell me how much they’ve enjoyed my early American historical fiction novel.  When asked to write an Amazon or Goodreads review, one reader told me this was not her forte.  I think many people don’t want to write an “official” book review. If you feel this way, please share your thoughts. Send an email to trana.mathews at Gmail or Diane at I’d love to hear from you!

What Readers Have Said

The following comments are used with permission:

“Yesterday I had the opportunity to read your first book, The Mathews Family. I really enjoyed it, particularly since my undergrad major was American History. Beyond that, I truly appreciated the way, the phrases, and the settings, you interwove fact with fiction. And the extraordinary amount of research that went into obtaining the facts. KUDOS to you!”
Librarian Janet Weir

“I have so enjoyed the book…I realize that parts of it are historical fiction but many parts are taken from actual documents and letters. Piecing all of the dates (and people) together must have been quite a task…a true labor of love. It is crazy to think of all that our ancestors went through at this time…and it is cool to know that these documents involving our ancestors exist. What a great gift for our family for years to come…”
Cathy Main

Finished your book. It’s wonderful. I wish our family had one of our history. Your book would make a great PBS type series.

I also loved all the letters and personal info, so that as a reader we can visualize events and people. And the names such as Luther, Lish, and Phineas. Loved it! Thank you for being my neighbor and friend.
Jenta Houston

Book Reviews of The Mathews Family


What readers have posted about my 18th century American historical fiction on Amazon:


“I really liked this book. It was enjoyable and informative about our country’s history when done in the form of a diary from a child’s point of view. I watched this boy grow up in my mind and learn and was rooting for him all the way. I can’t wait for the second installment.”

Kindle User: Linda Truelove


“This historical novel is a moving account of American life in the early years of our nation. Following Increase Mathews as he faces challenges and grows up in the turbulence of revolutionary times was fascinating. A great read with lots of insight on American history.”

Paperback: Teresa